Fabric-Paper Workshop

Fabric-Paper Workshop

Adult Online Workshop | This class is completed

Open to all levels
10:00 AM-4:00 PM EDT on Sun Sat

Fabric-Paper Workshop

Adult Online Workshop | This class is completed

Fabric-paper, as its name suggests, is a hybrid of fabric and paper, having the versatility of paper and the strength of fabric. It is made by layering fabrics and papers on a background of muslin or printed cotton, using diluted PVA or white glue, and coloring with inks or paints. Because of the underlying fabric structure, fabric-paper can be stitched, beaded, and embroidered, and generally treated like a richly patterned and textured textile material. In this workshop we will first paint our own tissue papers to use in the process, and then explore two different approaches to fabric-paper: first, creating unique all-over patterns; and second, building imagery with paper and fabric. On the second day we will each create a fabric-paper “mini-quilt” using the rich variety of materials we made on the first day. Students will be able to develop their own themes and imagery for the quilts, and choose which techniques and materials to incorporate. We will be using sewing machines for the quilt project, but hand-stitching is an appropriate alternative if you are not comfortable with machine sewing.

  • Supply list
  • • Muslin and/or printed quilt-weight cotton for background fabric, approximately 3 yards. We will be working on small sheets of fabric, about 18”x 22”, so bring a variety of fabrics if you like.
  • • White glue or PVA, about 16 oz
  • • Freezer paper
  • • Sharp fabric scissors
  • • A ruler (18” see-through is good)
  • • A stash of fabric and paper scraps: printed tissue paper, book pages, ephemera, and cotton fabrics
  • • Wide foam brushes
  • • Thread for the mini-quilt
  • I will provide
  • • Lots of printed quilt fabric
  • • Paints and inks
  • • Brushes and other paint application tools
  • • White tissue paper for painting
  • • Beads for embellishing the quilt
  • • Glue, freezer paper, thread, foam brushes, etc. in case anyone runs out or forgets theirs.
Jane Davies

studied at Bennington College, VT and the School For American Crafts, NY. She has written three books—A Glaze of Color: Creating Color and Design on Ceramics, Collage With Color, and Collage Journeys—and is working on a book of projects in collage and fiber mixed media. She teaches workshops in collage, handmade books, card-making, and paper/mixed media topics.