Paper & Wax: Encaustic Collage Workshop

Paper & Wax: Encaustic Collage Workshop

Adult Online Workshop | This class is completed

open to all levels
10:00 AM-4:00 PM EDT on Sun Sat

Paper & Wax: Encaustic Collage Workshop

Adult Online Workshop | This class is completed

If you have a passion for paper, or a crush on collage, why not add the wiles of WAX? The combination of paper and wax opens up possibilities for collage and encaustic, combining paper’s infinite range of color and pattern with the luminosity of wax. In this workshop we will begin with a basic introduction to encaustic materials, safety, and techniques, by making encaustic collages on wood panel. Then we will explore many ways to create your own collage papers, and make paper-on-paper encaustic collages, incorporating transfer techniques, drawing, painting directly with ink, oil paint, encaustic paint, and other materials. Whatever your level of experience with paper and collage, come discover the world of wax in this exciting workshop!

  • Student supply list:
  • •flat, natural bristle brushes, 1” - 2” (bring a few)
  • •A few watercolor brushes
  • •barrier cream
  • •heat gun (the kind you use for embossing)
  • •collage papers including: printed tissue paper, printed cocktail napkins, light weight ephemera
  • •Scraps of fabric to use in collage (optional)
  • •oil pastels if you have them*
  • •Pitt pens, if you have them*
  • •Caran D’ache Neocolor II watercolor crayons, if you have them*
  • •watercolor paints and brushes (any type or brand will do)
  • •Rubber stamps (optional)
  • •Etching or scratching tools, such as dentistry tools, needle tools (for ceramics)
  • •Oil paints or oil sticks, if you have them*
  • * If you don’t have them, don’t go out and spend a lot of money. I’ll bring enough to share.
Jane Davies

studied at Bennington College, VT and the School For American Crafts, NY. She has written three books—A Glaze of Color: Creating Color and Design on Ceramics, Collage With Color, and Collage Journeys—and is working on a book of projects in collage and fiber mixed media. She teaches workshops in collage, handmade books, card-making, and paper/mixed media topics.