Making Sense, 2018

Making Sense, 2018

Spring (14 hrs or more) | This course is completed

10 Hilton Field Road Hanover, NH 03755 United States

Founders Room



9:00 AM-11:00 AM EDT on Tue


During this time of fake news and disregard for the facts, Trumponomics, and tribal politics, it is ever more of a challenge – and important – for citizens to understand reality. Each public debate – about immigration and globalization, taxes and the debt, automation and jobs, security and health care – is a subset of the “elephant in the room” – the growing income and wealth divide in this country. This course is designed to help participants truly understand these critical issues and seek ways to move forward. Can the Tragedy of the Commons c. 2018 be avoided? Within this toxic political environment, can some semblance of the American Dream be revitalized for future generations? Can we restore an understanding that robust and energetic markets exist only when there is a strong and effective government, that the private sector and government are necessary compliments, not rivals?

Join this class if you want to focus on the issues, participate, and are willing to do several hours of reading for each class. Unlike what occurs in Washington, all views are welcome, facts are respected, reasoned debate is encouraged, and “compromise” is not a bad word!

  • Participants must have Internet access. Before the class begins, participants are asked to read the Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 of Hacker and Pierson’s American Amnesia.
Wilson, Jim

Jim taught history and economics for nearly fifty years before retiring to the Upper Valley. He lives in Strafford, VT, and has taught numerous courses on how our economy works and the challenges it faces.