Get greater enjoyment from your local and distant travel by applying the alchemy of knowledge, preparation, and spontaneity. Think of an expert surfer: by researching where the waves are, by being able to read the weather, and by strengthening and practicing, he or she will be able to paddle out to the best spots and catch the best waves. Like the surfer, if the traveler doesn’t research or prepare, he or she will be stuck in mediocre or crowded venues, or won’t have the fitness, confidence, preparedness, equipment, or judgment to be able to respond in time to catch the great experiences that are at hand.
In this course, learn to prepare for travel with knowledge, equipment, fitness, and emotional resilience. Learn how to find the destinations that match your interests. Learn how to respond to the best opportunities your travel has to offer, whether it’s people, culture, sights, dining, lodging, nature, or your own physical and emotional experiences.
Course topics include budget (money, time, emotional energy, and physical ability), deal-breakers (e.g., dangers or illness), clothing, packing, the crucial skills of itinerary assembly and adjustment (online, guidebook and smartphone), transportation, orientation, dining, lodging, and equipment. Key concepts include Skurka’s Razor, Shlep’s Laws (all six) and Harrod’s Principle. Sessions include seed talks, demonstrations (luggage, clothing, electronics, research smartphone on-the-fly), Q&A, and participant sharing.