Spring (4-8 hours) | This course has been canceled

One Court Street Lebanon, NH 03766 United States

Room 2C



2:00 PM-4:00 PM EDT on Th


It is time now for a greater understanding of God, Creator, Source, Author of all life. The world needs a New Revelation, for no current Religion can save the world. The past Revelations cannot prepare you for the thresholds of change that are now upon us – a world of declining resources, declining stability, diminishing food and water, where humanity needs preparation for a future that will be unlike the past. A New Revelation from beyond the world that is in the world to reach a deeper mind connection to God. In this course, we explore the reality of change and preparation for a critical mass of people to assure the destiny of the New Revelation. Come join us.

  • There are no required texts.

Dr. Charles E. Memusi Johnson, Secretary of Education, Massachusetts (1978-1980); Senior Consultant, Arthur D. Little, Inc. (Cambridge) (1974-1978); Vice President, Metropolitan Affairs, University of Cincinnati (1972-1974); Harvard Business School, Instructor (Cambridge (1969-1972); Associate Professor of Finance, Boston College (Chestnut Hill) (1966-1969); Associate Professor of Economics, Lovanium University, Kinshasa (Leopoldville), Republic of the Congo (1964-1966); CIA Espionage Agent (1957-1966).