Whales, Dolphins Seals, Sea Lions and Others

Whales, Dolphins Seals, Sea Lions and Others

Spring (9 - 13 hours) | This course is completed

One Court Street Lebanon, NH 03766 United States

Room 2A


1:00 PM-3:00 PM EDT on Tue


Marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, and others) include some of the most iconic species in the animal kingdom. The term “charismatic megafauna” certainly applies to these animals. What’s more charismatic than a bottlenose dolphin? Or more mega than a blue whale?

Because of their broad appeal, many people have at least a passing knowledge of some of these species, but therein lies a problem. So much has been written and said about these animals, sometimes it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. Much of what we read in the popular literature, or hear in the public media, is hyperbolic or downright wrong.

In this course we will examine the diversity of marine mammals. We will discuss many aspects of marine mammal biology, including evolution, anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, ecology, behavior, and conservation. We will review some of the latest scientific advances in marine mammalogy.

The instructor will draw from his many experiences working with marine mammals. His presentations will feature his photographs of marine mammals from around the world. For participants, a biology or science background is recommended but not necessary. There will be an optional reading packet for this course.


Rob Nawojchik received a BS in biology from Cornell and an MS in systematic ichthyology from the Univ. of Washington. For 14 years, Rob was the Staff Biologist at the Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut, where, in part, he coordinated the marine mammal and sea turtle stranding program for CT and Rhode Island. Rob was then a Sr. Marine Biologist at a firm in Texas. He now lives in the Upper Valley and leads yearly trips to Baja California to observe and photograph whales and other marine life.