Although travel activities this year have picked up, some of us are not yet ready to brave it abroad. Here is an alternative. Sit back in class at Osher and enjoy the incredible places around the world that entice us and give us, under normal circumstances, adventurous life-lasting experiences.
I have traveled all over the world, sometimes on my own in the strangest places, sometimes with friends, sometimes with organized groups. In all cases I have kept a detailed record of these trips and jaunts and tours, with maps, words, photos, and videos. I not only want to entertain you with the saga of each place, or country, but you will also have the opportunity to tell the class of interesting places you have enjoyed. We will travel to many places in the Far East, including Australia and New Zealand, as well as to numerous parts of Europe and North Africa. Come and enjoy the imagined, refreshing
breezes of the world, the cultures of the people, the
histories of the lands, the past and present edifices, and the adventure of it all.