Drawing Into Painting with Kathie Milligan

Adult Classes | Available

Beginner and Intermediate
9:30 AM-12:30 PM on Tue
Member Discount Available

Drawing Into Painting with Kathie Milligan

Adult Classes | Available

In this course all the drawing skills needed to transfer what is observed in the three-dimensional world onto a sheet of two dimensional paper will be taught. Skills included are Composition, Measurement (Sighting), Positive and Negative Space and Value. The study of Value will cover Painting in Black and White followed by Painting in the Gray Scale. Finally Color will be discussed, namely the qualities of Warm and Cool Colors plus Mixing and Painting with the Three Primaries. Students may work at their individual levels. The subject matter will be still life set-ups. Materials used will be Pencil, Charcoal and Tempera (Poster Paint). Please bring a 9 x 12 sketch pad and HB, 2B and 4B pencils plus and eraser to class.

Kathie Milligan