Light & Mood In Painting

Light & Mood In Painting

Adult Class | Available

Adult with experience
9:30 AM-12:30 PM EDT on Th

Light & Mood In Painting

Adult Class | Available

Let’s take our inspiration from the dramatically evolving world around us to push our painting towards more dynamic expression. Come to the first class with an image you are interested in taking to the next level, whether abstract or guided by real or imagined landscapes. Shoreline images can become crashing rocks a walk at dusk can lead onto a mysterious path, peaceful marsh scenes can become radiant sunsets, a tree on a hill could become a windswept moor. Take a simple image and transform it, allowing distortions, dramatic evolution of palette, more expressive brush strokes, paint application and size of the image to create a bigger, bolder picture. Prior painting experience is recommended. Students will work independently with supportive individual and group critiques if desired, plus occasional discussions about art history.

Julia Rogoff

JULIA ROGOFF has taught at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY, and art classes privately. She has had numerous recent solo exhibitions in CT and Hawaii. She holds a BA from Princeton University; certificate in Painting and Drawing from the New York Studio School. For many years, she was the head draftsman at the San Francisco Opera, and later worked as an interior designer in New York. Julia also had an earlier professional training in ballet at George Balanchine’s School of American Ballet. Please see