Follow the Leader Watercolor

Follow the Leader Watercolor

Adult Class | Available

Adult all levels
2:00 PM-5:00 PM EDT on Mon

Follow the Leader Watercolor

Adult Class | Available

A classical way to learn watercolor is as a step-by-step process, light to dark, big areas to small. Learn to mix fresh unusual color, compose while holding onto white spaces, and make brush marks to enhance lively calligraphic qualities. Big sable (mink) brushes to make washes of color, and Japanese natural-hair brushes add to the experience of watercolor painting. Learn the mechanics as you paint from the colorful still life. Proceed to the expression of spirited paintings.

  • Supplies to bring to first class: brushes and paper and watercolor paint kits you already have. Buy a fun watercolor box set from Michaels if you don't have one: the kids ones with fluorescent colors are cool. Pick up something like the Arches Aquarelle  6x10 inches 'Carnet de Voyage' Travel pad for fun. If you don’t have paper you can buy small sheets of Arches from me until you buy a block. Don’t buy sets of brushes: borrow brushes from friends until I show you the 3 best to buy. Bring old white plates or flat clear plastic take-away food containers to mix colors on.
Lexa McCrady

LEXA MCCRADY AXON has taught painting, drawing, and printmaking since 1987 and shown work in NYC, Paris, Tokyo, and London. She holds a MFA from the City University of New York Hunter College. She is a student of Valerie Jaudon, Robert Morris, and art theorist Rosalind Krauss. She received individual artist grants from New England Foundation for the Arts, Connecticut Commission on the Arts, Guild Hall Museum East Hampton NY. Exhibitions include Smith College, Parrish Museum, East Village NY; Biennials of Sao Paolo and Everson Museum. She is Adjunct Faculty at Eastern CT State University in digital art.