Acrylic Painting

Acrylic Painting

Adult Class | Available

Adult all levels
10:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Fri

Acrylic Painting

Adult Class | Available

Do you have a bit of background in drawing and/or painting, but want to move beyond your current level? This class will help. We’ll cover various approaches to developing compositions, become more aware of tonal values and make color a friend. We’ll employ a host of technical tips, as well as allow time for critiques

  • Suggested starting supply list:
  • 3 9”x12” canvas boards;
  • 3 9”x12” pre-stretched and primed canvases;
  • A small set of “flat” or “bright” brushes:
  • 1/4 inch flat brush, with short bristles;
  • 1/2 inch flat, with normal-lengthed bristles;
  • 3/4 to 1 inch flat brush, with normal-length bristles
  • (Note that the smallest brush has a squarish, stubby shape. It is ideal for drawing in shapes.)
  • Titanium White and Ivory Black tubes of acrylic paint. Economy brands are fine to begin with.
  • Some students may already have a selection of colors; the instructor will discuss suggestions for a more expanded color palette after the first class.
  • A pad of disposable palette paper;
  • Rags;
  • A small container of water.
Scott Paterson

SCOTT PATTERSON has more than 40 years experience as a painter. He has shown extensively in Connecticut and California and has work in many private collections. He has taught art in a variety of venues and has a wide range of knowledge about painting styles and technique.