Discover Silver Metal Clay Workshop
Adult Workshop | FULL
Silver Metal Clay looks and feels like clay but is actually pure silver in an organic binder.
Students will learn basic information and techniques for forming, surface texturing,
firing, and finishing. Flush setting of lab grown gemstones will also be covered, and
(optional) inexpensive stones can be purchased in class. Great for beginners, jewelry
students, clay artists, bead makers, and others. Students will have the opportunity to
finish and take home your unique pieces of fine silver jewelry. Come and discover the
many design possibilities of this exciting material. Materials fee of $100.00 is payable
to instructor at class and includes silver clay, use of tools, supplies and handouts.
Discover Silver Metal Clay Student Supply List
1. Texturing materials such as: bottle caps, tube caps, fresh leaves, coarse fabric remnants, screening (plastic- not aluminum), tree bark, comb, nuts and bolts, small cookie cutters
2. Magnifiers if needed for close-up work
3. Safety glasses and dust mask
Please bring your lunch to save valuable working time.
For the protection of all , students are encouraged to use face coverings during class.
Nancy Karpel
Nancy Karpel holds a BS from Albertus Magnus College, and PMC Guild Teacher's Certification. She has taught jewelry making at schools and art centers throughout her 46 years as a professional jewelry artist. Nancy has been published and her work exhibited extensively. Her work has been featured in several books on the subject of Precious Metal Clay. She sells her work through her New Haven, CT studio, N. Karpel Studio LLC, where she produces a line of contemporary jewelry, and through her website