Exploring Collage
Adult Class | Available
From the French meaning “to glue,” collage describes the technique of composing an
artwork by gluing a wide range of materials - including pieces of paper, fabric,
newspaper clippings, and sometimes readymade objects - to a surface. We will be using a
multimedia approach, incorporating a variety of materials to create expressive art.
Through demonstration and guidance, students will explore and develop their own visual
language. We end each class with a “show and tell” to see what others are doing. This
class is open to all ages and experience. It is meant to be fun and playful.
Brooke Sheldon
Brooke holds a B.A. from Duke University. She has an extensive background in the visual arts and a passion for teaching. In 1985 she started Zoë Design with an art school colleague and together created custom designs for a wide range of high end clients. One of the most recent projects was the creation of a mural for the James Blackstone Library in Branford, CT. Many of our projects required taking on other artists and,
by necessity, coaching them to help complete the murals. She has assisted in art projects in the elementary and middle schools.