Figurative Oil Painting with Helene Balzarini

Figurative Oil Painting with Helene Balzarini

Workshop | Available

200 Port Washington Blvd. Manhasset, NY 11030 United States


some experience with oil painting


1:00 PM-4:00 PM on Tue

$305.00 USD

$270.00 USD

Figurative (or Representational) Art refers to a recognizable depiction/interpretation of objects,
people or places.

This 4-week Workshop will continue to explore painting the portrait/clothed figure in Oil. We will review the basic components of materials, value, color mixing, composition, form/light
and shadow, mood, likeness, landmarks, personal style, etc, as we travel together on this
creative journey.

This class is for participants with prior experience working with Oils.

  • Sketch Pad and HB Pencil for quick thumbnails.
    Charcoal OR graphite for drawing. Fixative Spray.
    Wooden Palette OR Disposable grey palettes.

    Palette knives for mixing paint (small & medium size). Stretched Canvas 16x20, 18x24. Or size of their choice. Odorless Turpenoid.

    Small bottle of Linseed Oil.

    Synthetic or Mongoose FILBERT brushes - variety of sizes. (not Bristle)

    2 Small Jars with lids.

    Paper towels.

    Disposable rubber gloves. (optional)

    Studio Soap/Brush Cleaner/Murphy’s Oil Soap.

    SUGGESTED PAINTS: (any brand, but NOT student grade)

    Titanium White, **Flake White (or Flake White Replacement) WARNING: Flake White contains lead and must be handled with care if you choose to use it.

    Ivory Black

    Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red

    Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, King’s Blue Cadmium Yellow, Naples Yellow, Hansa Yellow Sap Green, Viridian, Cinnabar Light, Cerulean Terre Verte

    Yellow Ochre

    Raw Sienna

    Burnt Sienna

    Raw Umber

    Burnt Umber

    Magenta or Manganese Violet

    Transparent Yellow Oxide, Transparent Red Oxide

Balzarini, Helene

After a satisfying career in Advertising, I have returned to my first love of drawing, painting and all things Art.  While working, I studied for many years with various Artists at the Art Students League of NY. Drawing with Sherry Camhy and Costa Vavagiakis, painting with Sharon Sprung and Marshall Jones, I continue to learn and evolve as an Artist outside the League.


I have participated in group shows, won awards and have several of my pieces in private collections.  Whether painting a portrait, still life or structure, my goal is to establish a connection, however subtle or distinct, between myself, my work, and the viewer.


I believe making Art is a journey.  It’s not about arriving.  It’s about the joy of doing as we explore, express and exchange.  I am thrilled to share what I have learned and to collaborate with those who are excited to come along.