New Oriental Brush Painting with Gan Yu

New Oriental Brush Painting with Gan Yu

Workshop | Available

200 Port Washington Blvd. Manhasset, NY 11030 United States
10:00 AM-4:00 PM on Fri Sat
$325.00 USD
$290.00 USD

New Oriental Brush Painting with Gan Yu

Workshop | Available

Gan Yu is in high demand and we are so excited to have him back for another 2 day workshop. Details about this workshop will be posted shortly about this workshop. Gan Yu is full of energy and offers so much of himself hrough his teaching and knowledge of the art and process.
It's a workshop experience that should not be missed. 

For Beginner to Advanced Students

More information about this workshop will be posted by March 10, 2025

  • 2 - 3 stiffer (wolf hair) brushes: 1small / 1 medium size / 1 large size


    2 - 3 softer (sheep hair) brushes: 1small / 1 medium size/ 1 large size


    1 large ground (soft) brush


    1 bottle of Oriental concentrated ink (sumi-ink), or an ink sticker with ink-stone


    1 - 2 rolls of xiuan (rice paper) or 5 sheets full size xiuan or other Oriental paper

    1 box of Chinese painting color or a small box of western watercolors or gouaches

    2 brush washers (large teacups will be fine)

    2-3 white ceramic or plastic plates for mixing ink and colors

    1 Paint felt



    Recommend place to purchase (from 2020’s list)

    Address: 13-17 Elizabeth St 2nd floor, New York, NY 10013

    Hours: closes at 6:00 PM

    Phone: 212-226-8461

    Other supplies online:

    Chinese Painting Basic Supplies Check List - Blue Heron Arts

    Sumi E Store - Free U.S. Domestic Shipping

Gan Yu

Gan Yu was born in Shanghai, China, and he is currently a professional artist, curator, and professor residing in New York, USA. Gan Yu received a master's degree in fine arts from the Art Department of Minnesota State University-Mankato in the United States, a doctorate degree from the China Academy of Art in the field of Chinese painting, and did postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Art History of Harvard University in the United States. .Currently, Dr. Gan Yu is a Professor and international doctoral supervisor at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University. He also hosts Chinese ink art workshops and courses at the Art Students League of New York. Gan Yu has held solo exhibitions at the Ethan Cohen KUBE Art Center in New York, the University of Wisconsin, Minnesota State University, the Yale-China Association, the Hammond Museum in New York, and the Shun Art Gallery in Tokyo. Gan Yu's works also have been exhibited in groups at Cohen Gallery in New York City, the Ethan Cohen KUBE Art Center in Beacon of New York, the Volta Basel Contemporary Art Expo, the Miami Asia Art Expo, the National Art Museum of China, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Shanghai Art Museum, China Academy of Art Museum, St. John's University Art Gallery, etc. Gan Yu has done curatorial projects at Harvard University, the State University of New York, Yale-China Association, the China Academy of Art, the Islip Art Museum of New York and the Ethan Cohen KUBE Art Center in New York.