Mastering the Colors of Floral <i>with Kevin Yen</i>

Mastering the Colors of Floral with Kevin Yen

Workshop | Available

200 Port Washington Blvd. Manhasset, NY 11030 United States
1:00 PM-3:30 PM on Mon
$260.00 USD
$225.00 USD

Mastering the Colors of Floral with Kevin Yen

Workshop | Available

Explore the vibrant world of color!
This painting class will teach you the fundamentals of color theory and mixing, empowering you to create stunning oil or acrylic floral paintings. Learn to understand color relationships, achieve desired hues, and master techniques for blending and layering to bring your artistic vision and florals to life.

    • Click here to see our class and cancellation policies.

    • 01) Brunt Sienna (Winsor & Newton)

      02) Ultramarine Blue (Williamsburg)

      03) Dioxazine Violet (Holbein)

      04) Cadmium Red (Winsor & Newton)

      05) Cadmium Yellow (Winsor & Newton)

      06) Turquoise Blue (Rembrandt)

      07) Titanium White (Winsor & Newton)

      08) Alizarin Crimson (Winsor & Newton)

      09) Sap Green (Winsor & Newton)

      10) Magenta (Primary) (LUKAS Studio) (from LUKAS Studio Artist Oil Color Paints)

      11) Mauve (LUKAS Studio)

      12) Ivory Black (Winsor & Newton)




      14"x18" (x2)


      Brush: (from  Princeton Summit Series 6100 White Soft Synthetic Brushes | BLICK Art Materials or whatever they already have)

      1) #2 Round (x2)

      2) #4 Round (x2)

      3) #6 Bright (x2)

      4)  2" brush (You can get it from Home Depot regular paint brush)


      Other Things:

      Rubber Gloves

      Old rag


      Painting from photographs, I will provide some floral photos but feel free to bring your own.


    Kevin Yen

    Kevin came to the United States from Taiwan to pursue his education in fine art and illustration. He studied painting, illustration, and photography at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He has over three decades of experience in the art industry which includes freelance work with Marvel and DC Comics. Kevin's art work is sought after by private collectors and some of his clients have been Pier One, St. Francis College, Nike, and Make-A-Wish.