Mastering Portraiture with a Live Model  <i>with Rob Silverman</i>

Mastering Portraiture with a Live Model with Rob Silverman

Adult Classes | Available

200 Port Washington Blvd. Manhasset, NY 11030 United States
1:00 PM-4:00 PM on Wed
$410.00 USD
$375.00 USD

Mastering Portraiture with a Live Model with Rob Silverman

Adult Classes | Available

Learn to capture life-like facial features, hair and jewelry with a live model! Instructor, Rob Silverman, will cover unusual techniques that will bring your subject to life and produce an accurate likeness. All mediums are welcome. Using the model in various poses and viewpoints, we will be able to observe the model close-up to note how subtle changes of form can create emotional power. You will then choose your ideal pose to work toward developing a finished portrait. and even use some computer technology to experiment and test adjustments.

"Rob is an excellent and concerned teacher. He puts a great deal of thought and preparation into his demonstrations and handouts, as well as being a great guide as you paint in person."

* Classes are confirmed one week prior so register ASAP or they may be canceled for low enrollment.


  • - No class 5/14
    - Class is confirmed 1 week prior to start and may be cancelled due to low enrollment

  • - Late registrations are welcome in most cases. Please contact us!

  • - Please review our policies regarding make-ups, refunds, and enrollment at
  • All mediums are welcome. Below are suggestions.
  • OIL
  • For experienced painters, bring the colors you are comfortable with. Please use Turpanoid as a substitute for turpentine. Beginners may want to try water soluble oils (Lukas Berlin from Jerrys Artarama is an inexpensive option). Light to medium toned (similar to the color of sand paper or a midtone grey) stretched canvas or panel, 11x14, 12x16, or 14x18 preferred. A hand-held mirror is recommended, as well as a View Catcher or equivalent.
  • A selection of brushes each from 2 (2 brushes), 4 (3 brushes), 6 (1), 8 (1) sizes—Princeton Aspen are a good choice. Please have mostly filberts and a few small rounds.
  • Paper Towels
  • Palette; or 12x16 Richeson gray palette pad
  • Palette knife
  • COLORS (limited palette† is ok)
  • Cerulean Blue†
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Ultramarine Blue†
  • Chromium Oxide Green†
  • Viridian†
  • Alizaron Crimson†
  • Burnt Sienna†
  • Raw Umber†
  • Flesh
  • Yellow Ochre†
  • Naples Yellow
  • Cad Red†
  • Cad Orange
  • Cad Yellow†
  • Titanium White†
  • Ivory Black†
  • CHARCOAL OR PASTEL (as option to oil)
  • Canson Mi-Teinte 3 or 4 total sheets (for padding) of middle grey color such as light blue, light grey or wave green or 12x16 Canson pad of various colors of greys (use smoother side of paper)
  • --sharpener, and/or single-edge razor blades; emory board (works better than sandpaper blocks)
  • --paper stumps, and paper towels--kneaded erasers--chamois (chammy) cloth
  • Pastel: Bring our own set of pastels or buy nupastel prismacolor or faber-castelle hard pastel set of 36 (I will also have pastels you can experiment with on hand).
  • Charcoal: White charcoal pencil and hb, 2b, 4b, 6 (Generals brand charcoal pencils preferred).
Silverman, Rob
Rob Silverman

Rob Silverman’s innovative techniques have been featured in American Artist Workshop Magazine and The Art of the Portrait, the official publication of the Portrait Society of America. His work has appeared at Crosby Street Gallery and Spring Studio Gallery in Soho, the Art League of Long Island, Edward Hopper House, The Art Guild of Port Washington, The National Art League, the Lockwood-Mathews Museum, as well as the National Arts Club and Salmagundi Club.

Click to follow Rob on Instagram