Middle School Painting

Middle School Painting

Camp Week 3 | Available

87 Mountain Road West Hartford, CT 06107 United States
Middle School Students
1:00 PM-4:00 PM EST on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Middle School Painting

Camp Week 3 | Available

This class is for beginning students who would like to explore the medium of painting. A variety of subjects and mediums will be explored including watercolor and acrylic. Students will learn to start a painting, how to mix colors, and use techniques such as washes, underpainting and color theory.

  • Please bring an old shirt or smock to wear while painting.
  • Materials are included in tuition.
Rebecca Looney

Rebecca Looney has a B.A. in Painting and Literature from Bennington College; and an Art Education Certification, and a M.S. in Art Education from Southern Connecticut State University. She has over 10 years of teaching experience as both an ESL teacher and an art instructor in New Haven Public Schools and at the International Magnet School for Global Citizenship in South Windsor, CT. She is also an active member of the Connecticut Art Education Association.