Confident Landscape Painting
Class | Available
Oil or Acrylic
Beginning with an informative demonstration Shauna will show you how to see the world in terms of shadow and light, simplifying the landscape to the most basic masses and values. With specific, individual instruction you will learn the “what, why, and how” of a successful painting. You will learn the steps necessary to be able to express effectively; how to see the world in a new way, and even more, how to achieve the gift of confidence.
Known for her positive and enthusiastic teaching style, Shauna will provide instruction, demonstrations, and critique for the most advancement possible in the art of landscape painting. All levels: but some experience with your chosen medium is recommended.
Shauna Shane
A professional painter for 35 years, Former Resident Artist at Yellowstone National Park, resident artist at the New Britain Museum of American Art, 2008. Commissions and paintings in collections around the world including the official portrait of the governor of Montana in 1990.