Painting Fundamentals

Painting Fundamentals

Class | Available

87 Mountain Road West Hartford, CT 06107 United States
10:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Mon

Painting Fundamentals

Class | Available

Painting class for beginner to advanced artists. We will focus on composition, balance of elements, and harmony of painting. The teacher will work individually with each student, giving constructive feedback.

  • No class May 27 due to Memorial Day
  • A basic set of acrylic or oil paints, at least 3 different sizes of brushes (from 2 to 12), palette, a prepared canvas or board (approx. 24” X 18” or larger), B2 and B3 pencil and eraser.  Those using oil paints should bring turpentine.

Zbigniew Grzyb

Academy of Fine Art, Crakow, Poland. 2001 winner of Pollock-Krasner award, and 2001 individual artist grant from the GHAC. Exhibits widely, one person show at New Britain Museum of American Art, Real Art Ways and recent one person exhibit of work at National Museum in Poland.