Watercolor: Advanced Beginner - Intermediate

Watercolor: Advanced Beginner - Intermediate

Class | Unavailable

37 Buena Vista Road West Hartford, CT 06107 United States
Advanced Beginner - Intermediate
6:00 PM-8:00 PM EDT on Wed

Watercolor: Advanced Beginner - Intermediate

Class | Unavailable

This class is aimed at students who have studied with Carol Ganick recently. Others who are interested in taking this class must contact the instructor at 860-461-2448 to discuss most recent training in watercolor techniques to determine if this class is appropriate.


As this is not a beginning class, students are expected to have recent experience with and an understanding of techniques such as painting washes, glazing, layering, creating textures, masking, edge control, and brush application techniques. (e.g. wet on dry, wet on wet, and dry brush.)


Classes will mainly focus on landscape and subjects from nature with emphasis on composition, values, and color mixing. As needed, practice assignments for improving skills in painting techniques will be provided.


The first part of each class will be a review of work completed during the previous week and homework. Please bring a tablet or smartphone to class in order to take photos of work completed or in process, and to access instructor supplied reference materials and assignments.

  • There are 2 buildings at 37 Buena Vista. The Clubhouse is the white building beside the upper parking lot.

    It is always recommended that you buy the best quality materials you can afford. This is very true for paper and paints. If you need to economize, limit paints to a warm and cool of each primary color.



    100% rag paper such as Arches, Windsor and Newton, or Fabriano Artistico. Practice watercolor paper such as Canson or Strathmore. Some 100% rag paper may be available for purchase directly from the instructor.


    Watercolor Tube Paints

    Some of the suggested colors are available at Jerry’s Artarama in West Hartford in a box behind the cash register. Lukas and Daniel Smith, Holbein and Windsor Newton are some of the best quality brands of paint. I favor Lukas for quality with economy and Daniel Smith for varieties of color. Some colors from Holbein are excellent.


    Suggested Colors : Aureolin or Lemon Yellow, Indian Yellow, Raw Sienna, Indianthrone Blue, Cyan Blue, Magenta or Genuine Rose, Neutral Tint, Burnt Umber, Madder Lake Deep, Davinci Red, Green Gold, Perylene Green, Quinacridone Coral, Transparent Pyroll Orange, Transparent Red Oxide, Indigo and White Gouache.


    Perylene Green is especially important for landscapes and is helpful if mixing green is a challenge.


    For those who love blues or want more varied skies... Thalo Blue, Holbein Vetiver Blue, Holbein Mineral Violet, Holbein Lavender.


    And additional colors for mixing greens and flower painting, Quinacridone Gold or New Gamboge.


    Note: Keep your purchase receipt in case you need to exhange any item.



    A one inch or one and a half inch flat brush, #8 Princeton Quill, ½ inch Flat, #1 and #4 liner, script or rigger, 3/8 inch dagger.


    A few assorted sizes of round brushes (6-8-12-16).


    Covered Palette


    Suggested Robert Wood, Frank Web, John Pike, or Richeson.


    Additional Items

    2 water containers, paper towels, facial tissue or t.p., ruler, pencil, notepad, white plastic eraser or kneaded eraser, scissors, q-tips, ½, masking tape (green type or gaffer tape suggested), masking fluid (small size only, Pebeo Drawing Gum or Grumbacher brand), small bar of soap, triangular shaped small palette knife, Pitt Pen or fine point magic marker, fine mist spray bottle, a soft cloth, 1 sea sponge, and corrugated plastic board for wet on wet painting (to be discussed).

Carol Ganick

A teacher at the West Hartford Art League for more than three decades artist Carol Ganick teaches traditional and non-traditional approaches to watercolor painting, with special interest in building technique skills with beginning and intermediate level students. Though clearly having a passion for watercolor, she works in various medium including oils, acrylic, mixed media and collage.

See her work and work by her students on 
www.flickr.com/carolganick and on Instagram. She may be contacted at carolganick@gmail.com