Drawing All Levels – The Essential Ingredient

Drawing All Levels – The Essential Ingredient

Class | Available

87 Mountain Road West Hartford, CT 06107 United States
1:00 PM-4:00 PM EDT on Wed

Drawing All Levels – The Essential Ingredient

Class | Available

The ability to see the world and express it in a beautiful way is a skill that is the
foundation for everything we do in art, and once understood, the artistic journey
can become one of satisfaction, even joy.

This class is for anyone who wants to build the best possible foundation for your
personal artistic journey. Whether a beginner or experienced, this class is your
window into seeing the subject in a new way. With a different point of view you
can see much more accurately. Value, negative shape, perspective, and the dramatic
shapes of light and dark will be discussed.

Shauna’s first class begins with an informative demonstration describing first —
the joy found in the search for excellence, and then — the what, why, and how of
each decision. Concept, composition, value development, and finally, the tools that
bring it all together into a successful drawing are described and illustrated.

  • Will be discussed at first class
Shauna Shane

A professional painter for 35 years, Former Resident Artist at Yellowstone National Park, resident artist at the New Britain Museum of American Art, 2008. Commissions and paintings in collections around the world including the official portrait of the governor of Montana in 1990. www.shauna-shane.com.