Watercolor Painting Study & Workshop

Watercolor Painting Study & Workshop

Workshops | Available

585 Park Street Naples, FL 34102 United States
Studio 206/207
All levels
1:30 PM-4:30 PM on Wed Th Fri

Watercolor Painting Study & Workshop

Workshops | Available

This wonderful watercolor painting workshop will be spread across 3 afternoon sessions. Each day will include a short question & answer time, a demonstration & exercise to enhance skills, and choice of working on one of two paintings that Kim has selected for the group, one more traditional, the other more modern/experimental. Total beginners will learn tips and tricks to understand the properties of the medium and more advanced students will be encouraged to push skills and craftsmanship. If you’ve taken a workshop with Kim before, be ready to be challenged to produce your best work. If you’re new, focus on building skills. This is a more in depth version of the Joyfully Painting workshops Kim teaches.


  • Due to supply ordering and instructor preparations, same day registrations will not be accepted. 
    Thank you for your understanding!
  • All supplies included.

  • **Those students choosing to work on a different subject other than the one provided by the instructor are responsible for bringing photos/drawings/started painting, etc.
Vanlandingham, Kim
Kim Vanlandingham

Kim Vanlandingham is a painter who can tell you why she painted each and every work of art she’s ever made. Growing up on a farm in Kentucky, her appreciation of nature is brought out in her landscapes. Using oil and watercolor, she thoughtfully captures fleeting moments in nature and captures them in her work. Kim has been selling her artwork for 20 years and has been teaching workshops and classes for over ten of those years. Specializing in helping beginners get started, she demystifies the craft of painting by allowing beginners to follow her step by step while she paints along with them. Kim’s intermediate students are encouraged to push themselves beyond the basics to make better paintings and be more expressive in their work. Her goal is to help her students reach their painting goals. Kim divides her time between Southern Florida and Northern Kentucky. In Florida, if she’s not teaching at Naples Art she can be seen cycling around town on her bike ‘Old Blue’ with her camera. In Kentucky, her early morning plein air paintings from around her farm and Northern Kentucky area can be found on exhibition in the historic town of Berea where she’s an exhibiting member of the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen.