Foreign and Domestic Events (via Zoom!)

Foreign and Domestic Events (via Zoom!)

Virtual Course | Available

Zoom North Miami, FL 33180 United States
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10:30 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Tue

Foreign and Domestic Events (via Zoom!)

Virtual Course | Available

In this 6-week virtual lecture series, Dr. Raheb will examine foreign events that have gripped the international community for the past decade. From Korea to China, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas, Dr. Raheb examines the cultural, socio-economic and political issues of emerging and traditional powers, as well as the impacts of these decisions and policies on the international community. 

Six (6) virtual Tuesdays from 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon: March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1 and 8. 

  • Members save $25.00.

    This is a virtual course via Zoom.
Mitra Raheb

Dr. Mitra Raheb, is a professor of international relations specializing in counter terrorism. She is an expert in Islamic fundamentalism studies on America’s power, history of Islamic powers, banking, BRICS nations, Asia, and the Arab Spring and its failures.