Hand Tool Sharpening

Hand Tool Sharpening

Class | Registration opens 5/1/2025 8:00 AM PDT

6/23/2025 (one day)
8:00 AM-12:00 PM PDT on Mon

Hand Tool Sharpening

Class | Registration opens 5/1/2025 8:00 AM PDT

Students will learn the principles of sharpening and maintaining chisels, plane blades, and cabinet card scrapers without jigs. This is a foundational class for all woodworkers but especially those who wish to work with hand tools.

  • Prerequisite: Students must be at least 18 years old.
  • Students should purchase and bring an unused chisel, minimum 3/4" wide; a card scraper, preferably an .8mm thick BAHCO; and a plane that is complete and in good condition.  If a student does not own a plane, one can be provided if given advance notice.
David Weissman