Latch Hook Animal Rugs (Ages 9-11)

Latch Hook Animal Rugs (Ages 9-11)

Youth Summer Camp | FULL

1812 West Main Street Richmond, VA 23220 United States

Drawing North

Ages 9-11


9:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Mon Tue Wed Fri





Artists will create their own latch hook animal rugs, exploring both design and textile art.

  • Students may go outside in the neighborhood for walks.

    This is an On-site course. Students must follow current CDC + VDH guidance outlined on our website:

Laura Mae Lucas multi-media artist ranging from painting to textiles. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a BFA, majoring in Craft/Material Studies. She is a now a workshop facilitator for the Richmond Public Library as well as a volunteer for Art 180, a non-profit bringing art programs to Richmond city schools. She values building community and making art accessible to everyone. She is also a competitive powerlifter who strives to inspire other women to stand strong in their power and take up space in the world.