Learn to Knit (Ages 9-11)

Learn to Knit (Ages 9-11)

Youth Summer Camp | FULL

1812 West Main Street Richmond, VA 23220 United States

Letterpress + Book Arts

Ages 9-11


1:00 PM-4:00 PM EDT on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri





Who doesn't love the idea of knitting a horse, unicorn, or other four-legged friends? With plain or fancy stitches, they'll be as unique as you are. We'll provide the knitting needles and yarn for you!

  • This is an On-site course. Students must follow current CDC + VDH guidance outlined on our website: visarts.org
Haines, Tracy

Tracy began knitting at 12, and has been immersed in yarn since. She has taught adults and children to knit for over 15 years. She loves knit toys and seeks out knitted solutions to all life's obstacles.