Thrown, Altered and Slab-Constructed with Jen Allen
Adult Intensive | This class has been canceled
Learn ways to alter wheel-thrown work and combine with slab-constructed forms. Jennifer will lead students through various demonstrations including throwing on the wheel, altering thrown forms and creating slab-built pieces from 2-D and 3-D templates. Jennifer will also share her approaches lids, handles and spouts and add these to demonstration pieces. Expect to walk away with confidence in experimenting with new forms as well as techniques to design pieces using 3-D sketching.
- Please note that this is a demonstration-only class.
- This class will meet from 10 AM - 4 PM on both Saturday and Sunday.
- Classes are confirmed one week prior to the start date. In order to help us confirm classes, please register as early as possible.
Jennifer Allen
Jennifer Allen is a studio potter and educator based in Morgantown, West Virginia. Jennifer was awarded the 2006-2007 Taunt Fellowship at the Archie Bray Foundation and was recognized as an emerging artist at the 2008 NCECA Conference. She is also an active member of the ceramic collective, Objective Clay. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Alaska Anchorage in 2002 and a Masters of Fine Arts from Indiana University in 2006.