ONSITE: Illustrating with ProCreate on iPads (Ages 15-18)

ONSITE: Illustrating with ProCreate on iPads (Ages 15-18)

Youth Summer Camp | This class is completed

1812 West Main Street Richmond, VA 23220 United States

Digital Lab



9:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri




There are a million ways to get your ideas from your brain and onto paper but how about from brain to screen? Procreate is an easy-to-use digital illustration program that gives you the freedom to dream up and create exactly what you want with no bounds! We’ll learn the different aspects of sketching and rendering unique works using digital applications. Projects might include posters or stickers for your heavy metal Kidz Bop yodeling band, or an album cover for your cat’s debut single! Students may bring their own iPad and Apple Pencil- or borrow one of ours.

  • Students may use their own iPad with Procreate and Apple pencil, or borrow one of ours during classtime. Note: Students cannot bring our iPads home with them.

    Classes are confirmed one week prior to the start date. In order to help us confirm classes, please register as early as possible.

    This is an ONSITE course. Students are expected to adhere to our COVID-19 policies. For more info please visit visarts.org.

    This class counts as a Special topics course in our Art League Certificate Program.

Christian, Sam

Focusing in multiple mediums, Sam’s primary forms are Linocut printmaking, Fiber Arts (sewing and quilting) and Comic Art. Sam is a native of Richmond’s East End who has worked to craft a practice around the beauty and inequities found in the East End and communities like it. Through eco-conscious printmaking that highlights the deep history of the East End community and artistic partnerships in schools and community spaces, Sam has been instrumental in cultivating light and love in the spaces they call home. Being no stranger to the obstacles facing students of the East End, both academic and social, Sam looks for any opportunity to shift the narrative and make space for young artists.