Class Registration Guidelines

Please note: Children do not need memberships to participate. Please skip that question when registering for a children's class.

1. If you have your username and password and have renewed/purchased a membership, please log in at the top right of the screen.

2. For Returning Members, that received email from PSAA, Click Here to download instructions on how to retrieve your username and reset your password.

3. To Purchase OR Renew your Membership, you need to login, Click Here for the instructions.

Single Memberships: $35; Couples $60.

Note:  It may take 10 to 15 minutes to process your payment.

To receive a member discount, please do not sign up for classes until your Membership is activated.

4. If you are a New Member, Click Here to create your account.

5. To review our cancellation policies, Click here.  (Please login to review this page.)

To return to the class registration page, Click here